Worker information
hostname: ec2e3c14-437c-4853-a85f-e1325b9ca08c@1.worker-n2-com-779d777f7b-hxsb6.gce-production-1
version: 6.2.22
instance: travis-job-c5697779-d4b8-44cb-becb-1fcc6a79c588 travis-ci-ubuntu-2004-1707238145-6d1d1b02 (via amqp)
startup: 6.420392697s
Build system information
Build language: ruby
Build dist: focal
Build id: 270361517
Job id: 621438931
Runtime kernel version: 5.15.0-1049-gcp
travis-build version: 22cc7fd4
Build image provisioning date and time
Tue 06 Feb 2024 05:15:48 PM UTC
Operating System Details
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Release:	20.04
Codename:	focal
Systemd Version
systemd 245 (245.4-4ubuntu3.23)
Cookbooks Version
git version
git version 2.43.0
bash version
GNU bash, version 5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
gcc version
gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0
docker version
 Version:           24.0.5
 API version:       1.43
 Go version:        go1.20.3
 Git commit:        24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04.1
 Built:             Mon Aug 21 19:50:14 2023
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default

  Version:          24.0.5
  API version:      1.43 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.20.3
  Git commit:       24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04.1
  Built:            Mon Aug 21 19:50:14 2023
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.7.2
  Version:          1.1.7-0ubuntu1~20.04.2
  Version:          0.19.0
clang version
clang version 16.0.0
jq version
bats version
Bats 0.4.0
shellcheck version
shfmt version
ccache version
cmake version
cmake version 3.26.3
heroku version
heroku/8.7.1 linux-x64 node-v16.19.0
imagemagick version
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-23 Q16 x86_64 20190101
md5deep version
mercurial version
version 6.5.2
mysql version
mysql  Ver 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.1f  31 Mar 2020
packer version
postgresql client version
psql (PostgreSQL) 13.13 (Ubuntu 13.13-1.pgdg20.04+1)
ragel version
Ragel State Machine Compiler version 6.10 March 2017
sudo version
gzip version
gzip 1.10
zip version
Zip 3.0
vim version
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Dec 07 2023 15:42:49)
iptables version
iptables v1.8.4 (legacy)
curl version
curl 7.68.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.68.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1f zlib/1.2.11 brotli/1.0.7 libidn2/2.2.0 libpsl/0.21.0 (+libidn2/2.2.0) libssh/0.9.3/openssl/zlib nghttp2/1.40.0 librtmp/2.3
wget version
GNU Wget 1.20.3 built on linux-gnu.
rsync version
rsync  version 3.1.3  protocol version 31
gimme version
nvm version
perlbrew version
/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew  - App::perlbrew/0.95
phpenv version
rbenv 1.2.0
rvm version
rvm 1.29.12 (latest) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin []
default ruby version
ruby 2.7.6p219 (2022-04-12 revision c9c2245c0a) [x86_64-linux]
default python version
Python 3.7.17
ElasticSearch version
Installed Firefox version
firefox 99.0
MongoDB version
MongoDB 4.4.28
PhantomJS version
Redis version
redis-server 7.2.4
Pre-installed Go versions
mvn version
Apache Maven 3.9.4 (dfbb324ad4a7c8fb0bf182e6d91b0ae20e3d2dd9)
gradle version
Gradle 8.3!
lein version
Leiningen 2.11.1 on Java 11.0.21 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Pre-installed Node.js versions
phpenv versions
* 7.4.6 (set by /home/travis/.phpenv/version)
composer --version
Composer version 1.10.6 2020-05-06 10:28:10
Pre-installed Ruby versions


$ git clone --depth=10 --branch=enterprise-3.0 travis-ci/travis-yml
Cloning into 'travis-ci/travis-yml'...
$ cd travis-ci/travis-yml
$ git checkout -qf 5e64e0255b249470bf73b839fc2cbdc91cad6d84


Setting environment variables from repository settings
$ export QUAY_ROBOT_HANDLE=[secure]
$ export QUAY_ROBOT_TOKEN=[secure]

$ rvm use 2.6.10 --install --binary --fuzzy
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 
Required ruby-2.6.10 is not installed - installing.
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 
Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.
Found remote file
Checking requirements for ubuntu.
Requirements installation successful.
ruby-2.6.10 - #configure
ruby-2.6.10 - #download
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 19.9M  100 19.9M    0     0   109M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  109M
No checksum for downloaded archive, recording checksum in user configuration.
ruby-2.6.10 - #validate archive
ruby-2.6.10 - #extract
ruby-2.6.10 - #validate binary
ruby-2.6.10 - #setup
ruby-2.6.10 - #gemset created /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.10@global
ruby-2.6.10 - #importing gemset /home/travis/.rvm/gemsets/global.gems|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|..
ruby-2.6.10 - #generating global wrappers|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|.
ruby-2.6.10 - #uninstalling gem rubygems-bundler-1.4.5|/.
ruby-2.6.10 - #gemset created /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.10
ruby-2.6.10 - #importing gemset /home/travis/.rvm/gemsets/default.gemsthere was an error installing gem bundler
ruby-2.6.10 - #generating default wrappers|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/.
Using /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.10

$ export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=$PWD/Gemfile
Setting up build cache
$ export CASHER_DIR=${TRAVIS_HOME}/.casher
$ Installing caching utilities
attempting to download cache archive
fetching enterprise-3.0/cache--linux-focal-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855--rvm-2.6.10--gemfile-Gemfile.tgz
found cache

adding /home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/vendor/bundle to cache
creating directory /home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/vendor/bundle
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.6.10p210 (2022-04-12 revision 67958) [x86_64-linux]
$ rvm --version
rvm 1.29.12 (latest) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin []
$ bundle --version
/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.10/lib/ruby/2.6.0/rubygems.rb:283:in `find_spec_for_exe': Could not find 'bundler' (2.4.17) required by your /home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/Gemfile.lock. (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
To update to the latest version installed on your system, run `bundle update --bundler`.
To install the missing version, run `gem install bundler:2.4.17`
	from /home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.10/lib/ruby/2.6.0/rubygems.rb:302:in `activate_bin_path'
	from /home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.10/bin/bundle:30:in `<main>'
	from /home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.10/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `eval'
	from /home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.10/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:22:in `<main>'
$ gem --version

$ gem install rubygems-update -v 3.4.22
Successfully installed rubygems-update-3.4.22
1 gem installed
$ gem update --silent --system 3.4.13
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: bundler
  Version: 2.4.13
  File: bundler-2.4.13.gem
Bundler 2.4.13 installed
RubyGems 3.4.13 installed
Regenerating binstubs
Regenerating plugins

# 3.4.13 / 2023-05-09

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.4.13 as a default gem.

# 3.4.12 / 2023-04-11

## Enhancements:

* [Experimental] Add WebAuthn Support to the CLI. Pull request
  [#6560]( by jenshenny
* Installs bundler 2.4.12 as a default gem.

# 3.4.11 / 2023-04-10

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.4.11 as a default gem.

# 3.4.10 / 2023-03-27

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.4.10 as a default gem.

# 3.4.9 / 2023-03-20

## Enhancements:

* Improve `TarHeader#calculate_checksum` speed and readability. Pull
  request [#6476]( by
* Added only missing extensions option into pristine command. Pull request
  [#6446]( by hsbt
* Installs bundler 2.4.9 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `$LOAD_PATH` in rake and ext_conf builder. Pull request
  [#6490]( by ntkme
* Fix `gem uninstall` with `--install-dir`. Pull request
  [#6481]( by

## Documentation:

* Document our current release policy. Pull request
  [#6450]( by

# 3.4.8 / 2023-03-08

## Enhancements:

* Add TarReader::Entry#seek to seek within the tar file entry. Pull
  request [#6390]( by
* Avoid calling String#dup in Gem::Version#marshal_dump. Pull request
  [#6438]( by segiddins
* Remove hardcoded "master" branch references. Pull request
  [#6425]( by
* [Experimental] Add `gem exec` command to run executables from gems that
  may or may not be installed. Pull request
  [#6309]( by segiddins
* Installs bundler 2.4.8 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix installation error of same version of default gems with local
  installation. Pull request
  [#6430]( by hsbt
* Use proper memoized var name for Gem.state_home. Pull request
  [#6420]( by simi

## Documentation:

* Switch supporting explanations to all Ruby Central. Pull request
  [#6419]( by indirect
* Update the link to Pull request
  [#6392]( by nobu

# 3.4.7 / 2023-02-15

## Enhancements:

* Warn on self referencing gemspec dependency. Pull request
  [#6335]( by simi
* Installs bundler 2.4.7 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix inconsistent behavior of zero byte files in archive. Pull request
  [#6329]( by martinemde

# 3.4.6 / 2023-01-31

## Enhancements:

* Allow `require` decorations be disabled. Pull request
  [#6319]( by
* Installs bundler 2.4.6 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Include directory in CargoBuilder install path. Pull request
  [#6298]( by matsadler

## Documentation:

* Include links to pull requests in changelog. Pull request
  [#6316]( by

# 3.4.5 / 2023-01-21

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.4.5 as a default gem.

# 3.4.4 / 2023-01-16

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.4.4 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Improve documentation about `Kernel` monkeypatches. Pull request [#6217](
  by nobu

# 3.4.3 / 2023-01-06

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.4.3 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Fix several typos. Pull request [#6224]( by jdufresne

# 3.4.2 / 2023-01-01

## Enhancements:

* Add global flag (`-C`) to change execution directory. Pull request [#6180](
  by gustavothecoder
* Installs bundler 2.4.2 as a default gem.

# 3.4.1 / 2022-12-24

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.4.1 as a default gem.

# 3.4.0 / 2022-12-24

## Breaking changes:

* Drop support for Ruby 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and RubyGems 2.5, 2.6, 2.7. Pull
  request [#6107]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Remove support for deprecated OS. Pull request [#6041]( by peterzhu2118

## Features:

* Add 'call for update' to RubyGems install command. Pull request [#5922]( by

## Enhancements:

* Add `mswin` support for cargo builder. Pull request [#6167]( by ianks
* Validate Cargo.lock is present for Rust based extensions. Pull request
  [#6151]( by simi
* Clean built artifacts after building extensions. Pull request [#6133]( by
* Installs bundler 2.4.0 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix crash due to `BundlerVersionFinder` not defined. Pull request [#6152](
  by deivid-rodriguez
* Don't leave corrupted partial package download around when running out
  of disk space. Pull request [#5681]( by duckinator

# 3.3.26 / 2022-11-16

## Enhancements:

* Upgrade rb-sys to 0.9.37. Pull request [#6047]( by ianks
* Installs bundler 2.3.26 as a default gem.

# 3.3.25 / 2022-11-02

## Enhancements:

* Github source should default to secure protocol. Pull request [#6026]( by
* Allow upcoming JRuby to pass keywords to Kernel#warn. Pull request [#6002](
  by enebo
* Installs bundler 2.3.25 as a default gem.

# 3.3.24 / 2022-10-17

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.24 as a default gem.

# 3.3.23 / 2022-10-05

## Enhancements:

* Add better error handling for permanent redirect responses. Pull request
  [#5931]( by jenshenny
* Installs bundler 2.3.23 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix generic arm platform matching against runtime arm platforms with
  eabi modifiers. Pull request [#5957]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix `Gem::Platform.match` not handling String argument properly. Pull
  request [#5939]( by flavorjones
* Fix resolution on non-musl platforms. Pull request [#5915]( by
* Mask the file mode when extracting files. Pull request [#5906]( by

# 3.3.22 / 2022-09-07

## Enhancements:

* Support non gnu libc arm-linux-eabi platforms. Pull request [#5889]( by
* Installs bundler 2.3.22 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `gem info` with explicit `--version`. Pull request [#5884]( by

# 3.3.21 / 2022-08-24

## Enhancements:

* Support non gnu libc linux platforms. Pull request [#5852]( by
* Installs bundler 2.3.21 as a default gem.

# 3.3.20 / 2022-08-10

## Enhancements:

* Include backtrace with crashes by default. Pull request [#5811]( by
* Don't create broken symlinks when a gem includes them, but print a
  warning instead. Pull request [#5801]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Warn (rather than crash) when setting `nil` specification versions. Pull
  request [#5794]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Installs bundler 2.3.20 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Always consider installed specs for resolution, even if prereleases.
  Pull request [#5821]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix `gem install` with `--platform` flag not matching simulated platform
  correctly. Pull request [#5820]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix platform matching for index specs. Pull request [#5795]( by Ilushkanama

# 3.3.19 / 2022-07-27

## Enhancements:

* Display mfa warnings on `gem signin`. Pull request [#5590]( by aellispierce
* Require fileutils more lazily when installing gems. Pull request [#5738](
  by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix upgrading RubyGems with a customized `Gem.default_dir`. Pull request
  [#5728]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Stop using `/dev/null` for silent ui for WASI platform. Pull request
  [#5703]( by kateinoigakukun
* Unify loading `Gem::Requirement`. Pull request [#5596]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Installs bundler 2.3.19 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `ruby setup.rb` with `--destdir` writing outside of `--destdir`.
  Pull request [#5737]( by deivid-rodriguez

## Documentation:

* Fix wrong information about default RubyGems source. Pull request [#5723](
  by tnir

# 3.3.18 / 2022-07-14

## Enhancements:

* Make platform `universal-mingw32` match "x64-mingw-ucrt". Pull request
  [#5655]( by johnnyshields
* Add more descriptive messages when `gem update` fails to update some
  gems. Pull request [#5676]( by brianleshopify
* Installs bundler 2.3.18 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Make sure RubyGems prints no warnings when loading plugins. Pull request
  [#5607]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.3.17 / 2022-06-29

## Enhancements:

* Document `gem env` argument aliases and add `gem env user_gemhome` and
  `gem env user_gemdir`. Pull request [#5644]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Improve error message when `operating_system.rb` fails to load. Pull
  request [#5658]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Clean up temporary directory after `generate_index --update`. Pull
  request [#5653]( by graywolf-at-work
* Simplify extension builder. Pull request [#5626]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Installs bundler 2.3.17 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Modify RubyGems issue template to be like the one for Bundler. Pull
  request [#5643]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.3.16 / 2022-06-15

## Enhancements:

* Auto-fix and warn gem packages including a gemspec with `require_paths`
  as an array of arrays. Pull request [#5615]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Misc cargo builder improvements. Pull request [#5459]( by ianks
* Installs bundler 2.3.16 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix incorrect password redaction when there's an error in `gem source
  -a`. Pull request [#5623]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix another regression when loading old marshaled specs. Pull request
  [#5610]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.3.15 / 2022-06-01

## Enhancements:

* Support the change of did_you_mean about `Exception#detailed_message`.
  Pull request [#5560]( by mame
* Installs bundler 2.3.15 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix loading old marshaled specs including `YAML::PrivateType` constant.
  Pull request [#5415]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix rubygems update when non default `--install-dir` is configured. Pull
  request [#5566]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.3.14 / 2022-05-18

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.14 as a default gem.

# 3.3.13 / 2022-05-04

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.13 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix regression when resolving ruby constraints. Pull request [#5486]( by

## Documentation:

* Clarify description of owner-flags. Pull request [#5497]( by kronn

# 3.3.12 / 2022-04-20

## Enhancements:

* Less error swallowing when installing gems. Pull request [#5475]( by
* Stop considering `RUBY_PATCHLEVEL` for resolution. Pull request [#5472]( by
* Bump vendored optparse to latest master. Pull request [#5466]( by
* Installs bundler 2.3.12 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Fix formatting in docs. Pull request [#5470]( by peterzhu2118
* Fix a typo. Pull request [#5401]( by znz

# 3.3.11 / 2022-04-07

## Enhancements:

* Enable mfa on specific keys during gem signin. Pull request [#5305]( by
* Prefer `__dir__` to `__FILE__`. Pull request [#5444]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Add cargo builder for rust extensions. Pull request [#5175]( by ianks
* Installs bundler 2.3.11 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Improve RDoc setup. Pull request [#5398]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.3.10 / 2022-03-23

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.10 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Enable `Gem::Package` example in RDoc documentation. Pull request [#5399](
  by nobu
* Unhide RDoc documentation from top level `Gem` module. Pull request
  [#5396]( by nobu

# 3.3.9 / 2022-03-09

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.9 as a default gem.

# 3.3.8 / 2022-02-23

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.8 as a default gem.

# 3.3.7 / 2022-02-09

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.7 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Fix missing rdoc for `Gem::Version`. Pull request [#5299]( by nevans

# 3.3.6 / 2022-01-26

## Enhancements:

* Forbid downgrading past the originally shipped version on Ruby 3.1. Pull
  request [#5301]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Support `--enable-load-relative` inside binstubs. Pull request [#2929]( by
* Let `Version#<=>` accept a String. Pull request [#5275]( by amatsuda
* Installs bundler 2.3.6 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Avoid `flock` on non Windows systems, since it causing issues on NFS
  file systems. Pull request [#5278]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix `gem update --system`  for already installed version of
  `rubygems-update`. Pull request [#5285]( by loadkpi

# 3.3.5 / 2022-01-12

## Enhancements:

* Don't activate `yaml` gem from RubyGems. Pull request [#5266]( by
* Let `gem fetch` understand `<gem>:<version>` syntax and
  `--[no-]suggestions` flag. Pull request [#5242]( by ximenasandoval
* Installs bundler 2.3.5 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `gem install <non-existent-gem> --force` crash. Pull request [#5262](
  by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix longstanding `gem install` failure on JRuby. Pull request [#5228]( by

## Documentation:

* Markup `Gem::Specification` documentation with RDoc notations. Pull
  request [#5268]( by nobu

# 3.3.4 / 2021-12-29

## Enhancements:

* Don't redownload `rubygems-update` package if already there. Pull
  request [#5230]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Installs bundler 2.3.4 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `gem update --system` crashing when latest version not supported.
  Pull request [#5191]( by deivid-rodriguez

## Performance:

* Make SpecificationPolicy autoload constant. Pull request [#5222]( by pocke

# 3.3.3 / 2021-12-24

## Enhancements:

* Installs bundler 2.3.3 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix gem installation failing in Solaris due to bad `IO#flock` usage.
  Pull request [#5216]( by mame

# 3.3.2 / 2021-12-23

## Enhancements:

* Fix deprecations when activating DidYouMean for misspelled command
  suggestions. Pull request [#5211]( by yuki24
* Installs bundler 2.3.2 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix gemspec truncation. Pull request [#5208]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.3.1 / 2021-12-22

## Enhancements:

* Fix compatibility with OpenSSL 3.0. Pull request [#5196]( by rhenium
* Remove hard errors when matching major bundler not found. Pull request
  [#5181]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Installs bundler 2.3.1 as a default gem.

# 3.3.0 / 2021-12-21

## Breaking changes:

* Removed deprecated `gem server` command. Pull request [#5034]( by hsbt
* Remove macOS specific gem layout. Pull request [#4833]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Default `gem update` documentation format is now only `ri`. Pull request
  [#3888]( by hsbt

## Features:

* Give command misspelled suggestions via `did_you_mean` gem. Pull request
  [#3904]( by hsbt

## Performance:

* Avoid some unnecessary stat calls. Pull request [#3887]( by kares
* Improve spell checking suggestion performance by
  vendoring`DidYouMean::Levenshtein.distance` from `did_you_mean-1.4.0`.
  Pull request [#3856]( by austinpray

## Enhancements:

* Set `BUNDLER_VERSION` when `bundle _<version>_` is passed. Pull request
  [#5180]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Don't require `rdoc` for `gem uninstall`. Pull request [#4691]( by ndren
* More focused rescue on extension builder exception to get more
  information on errors. Pull request [#4189]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Installs bundler 2.3.0 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix encoding mismatch issues when writing gem packages. Pull request
  [#5162]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix broken brew formula due to loading `operating_system.rb`
  customizations too late. Pull request [#5154]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Properly fetch `Gem#latest_spec_for` with multiple sources. Pull request
  [#2764]( by kevlogan90
* Fix upgrade crashing when multiple versions of `fileutils` installed.
  Pull request [#5140]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.33 / 2021-12-07

## Deprecations:

* Deprecate typo name. Pull request [#5109]( by nobu

## Enhancements:

* Add login & logout alias for the signin & signout commands. Pull request
  [#5133]( by colby-swandale
* Fix race conditions when reading & writing gemspecs concurrently. Pull
  request [#4408]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Installs bundler 2.2.33 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `ruby setup.rb` trying to write outside of `--destdir`. Pull request
  [#5053]( by deivid-rodriguez

## Documentation:

* Move required_ruby_version gemspec attribute to recommended section.
  Pull request [#5130]( by simi
* Ignore to generate the documentation from vendored libraries. Pull
  request [#5118]( by hsbt

# 3.2.32 / 2021-11-23

## Enhancements:

* Refactor installer thread safety protections. Pull request [#5050]( by
* Allow gem activation from `operating_system.rb`. Pull request [#5044]( by
* Installs bundler 2.2.32 as a default gem.

# 3.2.31 / 2021-11-08

## Enhancements:

* Don't pass empty `DESTDIR` to `nmake` since it works differently from
  standard `make`. Pull request [#5057]( by hsbt
* Fix `gem install` vs `gem fetch` inconsistency. Pull request [#5037]( by
* Lazily load and vendor `optparse`. Pull request [#4881]( by
* Use a vendored copy of `tsort` internally. Pull request [#5027]( by
* Install bundler 2.2.31 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `ruby setup.rb` when `--prefix` is passed. Pull request [#5051]( by
* Don't apply `--destdir` twice when running `setup.rb`. Pull request
  [#2768]( by alyssais

# 3.2.30 / 2021-10-26

## Enhancements:

* Add support to build and sign certificates with multiple key algorithms.
  Pull request [#4991]( by doodzik
* Avoid loading the `digest` gem unnecessarily. Pull request [#4979]( by
* Prefer `require_relative` for all internal requires. Pull request [#4978](
  by deivid-rodriguez
* Add missing `require` of `time` within
  `Gem::Request.verify_certificate_message`. Pull request [#4975]( by nobu
* Install bundler 2.2.30 as a default gem.

## Performance:

* Speed up `gem install`, specially under Windows. Pull request [#4960]( by

# 3.2.29 / 2021-10-08

## Enhancements:

* Only disallow FIXME/TODO for first word of gemspec description. Pull
  request [#4937]( by duckinator
* Install bundler 2.2.29 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `wordy` method in `SourceFetchProblem` changing the password of
  source. Pull request [#4910]( by Huangxiaodui

## Performance:

* Improve `require` performance, particularly on systems with a lot of
  gems installed. Pull request [#4951]( by pocke

# 3.2.28 / 2021-09-23

## Enhancements:

* Support MINGW-UCRT. Pull request [#4925]( by hsbt
* Only check if descriptions *start with* FIXME/TODO. Pull request [#4841](
  by duckinator
* Avoid loading `uri` unnecessarily when activating gems. Pull request
  [#4897]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Install bundler 2.2.28 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix redacted credentials being sent to gemserver. Pull request [#4919]( by

# 3.2.27 / 2021-09-03

## Enhancements:

* Redact credentails when printing URI. Pull request [#4868]( by intuxicated
* Prefer `require_relative` to `require` for internal requires. Pull
  request [#4858]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Prioritise gems with higher version for fetching metadata, and stop
  fetching once we find a valid candidate. Pull request [#4843]( by intuxicated
* Install bundler 2.2.27 as a default gem.

# 3.2.26 / 2021-08-17

## Enhancements:

* Enhance the error handling for loading the
  `rubygems/defaults/operating_system` file. Pull request [#4824]( by
* Ignore `RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS` for the bundler gem. Pull request [#4532]( by
* Install bundler 2.2.26 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Also load user installed rubygems plugins. Pull request [#4829]( by

# 3.2.25 / 2021-07-30

## Enhancements:

* Don't load the `base64` library since it's not used. Pull request [#4785](
  by deivid-rodriguez
* Don't load the `resolv` library since it's not used. Pull request [#4784](
  by deivid-rodriguez
* Lazily load `shellwords` library. Pull request [#4783]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Check requirements class before loading marshalled requirements. Pull
  request [#4651]( by nobu
* Install bundler 2.2.25 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Add missing `require 'fileutils'` in `Gem::ConfigFile`. Pull request
  [#4768]( by ybiquitous

# 3.2.24 / 2021-07-15

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.24 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix contradictory message about deletion of default gem. Pull request
  [#4739]( by jaredbeck

## Documentation:

* Add a description about `GEM_HOST_OTP_CODE` to help text. Pull request
  [#4742]( by ybiquitous

# 3.2.23 / 2021-07-09

## Enhancements:

* Rewind IO source to allow working with contents in memory. Pull request
  [#4729]( by drcapulet
* Install bundler 2.2.23 as a default gem.

# 3.2.22 / 2021-07-06

## Enhancements:

* Allow setting `--otp` via `GEM_HOST_OTP_CODE`. Pull request [#4697]( by
* Fixes for the edge case when openssl library is missing. Pull request
  [#4695]( by rhenium
* Install bundler 2.2.22 as a default gem.

# 3.2.21 / 2021-06-23

## Enhancements:

* Fix typo in OpenSSL detection. Pull request [#4679]( by osyoyu
* Add the most recent licenses from Pull request [#4662]( by nobu
* Simplify setup.rb code to allow installing rubygems from source on
  truffleruby 21.0 and 21.1. Pull request [#4624]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Install bundler 2.2.21 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Create credentials folder when setting API keys if not there yet. Pull
  request [#4665]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.20 / 2021-06-11

## Security fixes:

* Verify platform before installing to avoid potential remote code
  execution. Pull request [#4667]( by sonalkr132

## Enhancements:

* Add better specification policy error description. Pull request [#4658]( by
* Install bundler 2.2.20 as a default gem.

# 3.2.19 / 2021-05-31

## Enhancements:

* Fix `gem help build` output format. Pull request [#4613]( by tnir
* Install bundler 2.2.19 as a default gem.

# 3.2.18 / 2021-05-25

## Enhancements:

* Don't leave temporary directory around when building extensions to
  improve build reproducibility. Pull request [#4610]( by baloo
* Install bundler 2.2.18 as a default gem.

# 3.2.17 / 2021-05-05

## Enhancements:

* Only print month & year in deprecation messages. Pull request [#3085]( by
* Make deprecate method support ruby3's keyword arguments. Pull request
  [#4558]( by mame
* Update the default bindir on macOS. Pull request [#4524]( by nobu
* Prefer instead of Kernel#open. Pull request [#4529]( by mame
* Install bundler 2.2.17 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Fix usage messages to reflect the current POSIX-compatible behaviour.
  Pull request [#4551]( by graywolf-at-work

# 3.2.16 / 2021-04-08

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.16 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Correctly handle symlinks. Pull request [#2836]( by voxik

# 3.2.15 / 2021-03-19

## Enhancements:

* Prevent downgrades to untested rubygems versions. Pull request [#4460]( by
* Install bundler 2.2.15 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix missing require breaking `gem cert`. Pull request [#4464]( by lukehinds

# 3.2.14 / 2021-03-08

## Enhancements:

* Less wrapping of network errors. Pull request [#4064]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Install bundler 2.2.14 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Revert addition of support for `musl` variants to restore graceful
  fallback on Alpine. Pull request [#4434]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.13 / 2021-03-03

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.13 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Support non-gnu libc linux platforms. Pull request [#4082]( by lloeki

# 3.2.12 / 2021-03-01

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.12 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Restore the ability to manually install extension gems. Pull request
  [#4384]( by cfis

# 3.2.11 / 2021-02-17

## Enhancements:

* Optionally fallback to IPv4 when IPv6 is unreachable. Pull request [#2662](
  by sonalkr132
* Install bundler 2.2.11 as a default gem.

# 3.2.10 / 2021-02-15

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.10 as a default gem.

## Documentation:

* Add a `gem push` example to `gem help`. Pull request [#4373]( by
* Improve documentation for `required_ruby_version`. Pull request [#4343]( by

# 3.2.9 / 2021-02-08

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.9 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix error message when underscore selection can't find bundler. Pull
  request [#4363]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix `Gem::Specification.stubs_for` returning wrong named specs. Pull
  request [#4356]( by tompng
* Don't error out when activating a binstub unless necessary. Pull request
  [#4351]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix `gem outdated` incorrectly handling platform specific gems. Pull
  request [#4248]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.8 / 2021-02-02

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.8 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix `gem install` crashing on gemspec with nil required_ruby_version.
  Pull request [#4334]( by pbernays

# 3.2.7 / 2021-01-26

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.7 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Generate plugin wrappers with relative requires. Pull request [#4317]( by

# 3.2.6 / 2021-01-18

## Enhancements:

* Fix `Gem::Platform#inspect` showing duplicate information. Pull request
  [#4276]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Install bundler 2.2.6 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Swallow any system call error in `ensure_gem_subdirs` to support jruby
  embedded paths. Pull request [#4291]( by kares
* Restore accepting custom make command with extra options as the `make`
  env variable. Pull request [#4271]( by terceiro

# 3.2.5 / 2021-01-11

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.5 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Don't load more specs after the whole set of specs has been setup. Pull
  request [#4262]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix broken `bundler` executable after `gem update --system`. Pull
  request [#4221]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.4 / 2020-12-31

## Enhancements:

* Use a CHANGELOG in markdown for rubygems. Pull request [#4168]( by
* Never spawn subshells when building extensions. Pull request [#4190]( by
* Install bundler 2.2.4 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix fallback to the old index and installation from it not working. Pull
  request [#4213]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix installing from source on truffleruby. Pull request [#4201]( by

# 3.2.3 / 2020-12-22

## Enhancements:

* Fix misspellings in default API key name. Pull request [#4177]( by hsbt
* Install bundler 2.2.3 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Respect `required_ruby_version` and `required_rubygems_version`
  constraints when looking for `gem install` candidates. Pull request [#4110](
  by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.2 / 2020-12-17

## Enhancements:

* Install bundler 2.2.2 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix issue where CLI commands making more than one request to needing an OTP code would crash or ask for the code twice.
  Pull request [#4162]( by sonalkr132
* Fix building rake extensions that require openssl. Pull request [#4165]( by
* Fix `gem update --system` displaying too many changelog entries. Pull
  request [#4145]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.1 / 2020-12-14

## Enhancements:

* Added help message for gem i webrick in gem server command. Pull request
  [#4117]( by hsbt
* Install bundler 2.2.1 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Added the missing loading of fileutils same as load_specs. Pull request
  [#4124]( by hsbt
* Fix Resolver::APISet to always include prereleases when necessary. Pull
  request [#4113]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.0 / 2020-12-07

## Enhancements:

* Do not override Kernel#warn when there is no need. Pull request [#4075]( by
* Update endpoint of gem signin command. Pull request [#3840]( by sonalkr132
* Omit deprecated commands from command help output. Pull request [#4023]( by
* Suggest alternatives in `gem query` deprecation. Pull request [#4021]( by
* Lazily load `time`, `cgi`, and `zlib`. Pull request [#4010]( by
* Don't hit the network when installing dependencyless local gemspec. Pull
  request [#3968]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Add `--force` option to `gem sources` command. Pull request [#3956]( by
* Lazily load `openssl`. Pull request [#3850]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Pass more information when comparing platforms. Pull request [#3817]( by
* Install bundler 2.2.0 as a default gem.

## Bug fixes:

* Use better owner & group for files in rubygems package. Pull request
  [#4065]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Improve gem build -C flag. Pull request [#3983]( by bronzdoc
* Handle unexpected behavior with URI#merge and subpaths missing trailing
  slashes. Pull request [#3123]( by drcapulet
* Add missing `fileutils` require in rubygems installer. Pull request
  [#4036]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix `--platform` option to `gem specification` being ignored. Pull
  request [#4043]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Expose `--no-minimal-deps` flag to install the latest version of
  dependencies. Pull request [#4030]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix "stack level too deep" error when overriding `Warning.warn`. Pull
  request [#3987]( by eregon
* Append '.gemspec' extension only when it is not present. Pull request
  [#3988]( by voxik
* Install to correct plugins dir when using `--build-root`. Pull request
  [#3972]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix `--build-root` flag under Windows. Pull request [#3975]( by
* Fix `typo_squatting?` false positive for `` itself. Pull
  request [#3951]( by andy-smith-msm
* Make `--default` and `--install-dir` options to `gem install` play nice
  together. Pull request [#3906]( by deivid-rodriguez

## Deprecations:

* Deprecate server command. Pull request [#3868]( by bronzdoc

## Performance:

* Don't change ruby process CWD when building extensions. Pull request
  [#3498]( by deivid-rodriguez

# 3.2.0.rc.2 / 2020-10-08

## Enhancements:

* Make --dry-run flag consistent across rubygems commands. Pull request
  [#3867]( by bronzdoc
* Disallow downgrades to too old versions. Pull request [#3566]( by
* Added `--platform` option to `build` command. Pull request [#3079]( by nobu
* Have "gem update --system" pass through the `--silent` flag. Pull
  request [#3789]( by duckinator
* Add writable check for cache dir. Pull request [#3876]( by xndcn
* Warn on duplicate dependency in a specification. Pull request [#3864]( by
* Fix indentation in `gem env`. Pull request [#3861]( by colby-swandale
* Let more exceptions flow. Pull request [#3819]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Ignore internal frames in RubyGems' Kernel#warn. Pull request [#3810]( by

## Bug fixes:

* Add missing fileutils require. Pull request [#3911]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix false positive warning on Windows when PATH has
  `File::ALT_SEPARATOR`. Pull request [#3829]( by deivid-rodriguez
* Fix Kernel#warn override to handle backtrace location with nil path.
  Pull request [#3852]( by jeremyevans
* Don't format executables on `gem update --system`. Pull request [#3811]( by
* `gem install --user` fails with `Gem::FilePermissionError` on the system
  plugins directory. Pull request [#3804]( by nobu

## Performance:

* Avoid duplicated generation of APISpecification objects. Pull request
  [#3940]( by mame
* Eval defaults with frozen_string_literal: true. Pull request [#3847]( by
* Deduplicate the requirement operators in memory. Pull request [#3846]( by
* Optimize Gem.already_loaded?. Pull request [#3793]( by casperisfine

# 3.2.0.rc.1 / 2020-07-04

## Enhancements:

* Test TruffleRuby in CI. Pull request [#2797]( by Benoit Daloze.
* Rework plugins system and speed up rubygems. Pull request [#3108]( by David
* Specify explicit separator not to be affected by $;. Pull request [#3424](
  by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Enable `Layout/ExtraSpacing` cop. Pull request [#3449]( by David Rodríguez.
* Rollback gem deprecate. Pull request [#3530]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Normalize heredoc delimiters. Pull request [#3533]( by David Rodríguez.
* Log messages to stdout in `rake package`. Pull request [#3632]( by David
* Remove explicit `psych` activation. Pull request [#3636]( by David
* Delay `fileutils` loading to fix some warnings. Pull request [#3637]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Make sure rubygems/package can be directly required reliably. Pull
  request [#3670]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Make sure `tmp` folder exists before calling `Dir.tmpdir`. Pull request
  [#3711]( by David Rodríguez.
* Add Gem.disable_system_update_message to disable gem update --system if
  needed. Pull request [#3720]( by Josef Šimánek.
* Tweaks to play nice with ruby-core setup. Pull request [#3733]( by David
* Remove explicit require for auto-loaded constant. Pull request [#3751]( by
  Karol Bucek.
* Test files should not be included in spec.files. Pull request [#3758]( by
  Marc-André Lafortune.
* Remove TODO comment about warning on setting instead of pushing. Pull
  request [#2823]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Add deprecate command method. Pull request [#2935]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Simplify deprecate command method. Pull request [#2974]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX handling for recursive locking. Pull request
  [#2985]( by MSP-Greg.
* Add `funding_uri ` metadata field to gemspec. Pull request [#3060]( by
  Colby Swandale.
* Updates to some old gem-signing docs. Pull request [#3063]( by Tieg
* Update the gem method for Gem::Installer. Pull request [#3137]( by Daniel
* Simplify initial gem help output. Pull request [#3148]( by Olivier Lacan.
* Resolve latest version via `gem contents`. Pull request [#3149]( by Dan
* Install suggestions. Pull request [#3151]( by Sophia Castellarin.
* Only rescue the errors we actually want to rescue. Pull request [#3156]( by
  David Rodríguez.

## Bug fixes:

* Accept not only /usr/bin/env but also /bin/env in some tests. Pull
  request [#3422]( by Yusuke Endoh.
* Skip a test that attempts to remove the current directory on Solaris.
  Pull request [#3423]( by Yusuke Endoh.
* Fix race condition on bundler's parallel installer. Pull request [#3440](
  by David Rodríguez.
* Fix platform comparison check in #contains_requirable_file?. Pull
  request [#3495]( by Benoit Daloze.
* Improve missing spec error. Pull request [#3559]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Fix hidden bundler template installation from rubygems updater. Pull
  request [#3674]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix gem update --user-install. Pull request [#2901]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Correct conflict list when uninstallation is prevented. Pull request
  [#2973]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix error when trying to find bundler with a deleted "working directo….
  Pull request [#3090]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Fix -I require priority. Pull request [#3124]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix `ruby setup.rb` for new plugins layout. Pull request [#3144]( by David

## Deprecations:

* Set deprecation warning on query command. Pull request [#2967]( by Luis

## Breaking changes:

* Remove ruby 1.8 leftovers. Pull request [#3442]( by David Rodríguez.
* Minitest cleanup. Pull request [#3445]( by David Rodríguez.
* Remove `builder` gem requirement for `gem regenerate_index`. Pull
  request [#3552]( by David Rodríguez.
* Remove modelines for consistency. Pull request [#3714]( by David Rodríguez.
* Stop using deprecated OpenSSL::Digest constants. Pull request [#3763]( by
  Bart de Water.
* Remove Gem module deprecated methods. Pull request [#3101]( by Luis
* Remove ubygems.rb. Pull request [#3102]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Remove Gem::Commands::QueryCommand. Pull request [#3104]( by Luis
* Remove dependency installer deprecated methods. Pull request [#3106]( by
  Luis Sagastume.
* Remove Gem::UserInteraction#debug method. Pull request [#3107]( by Luis
* Remove options from Pull request [#3110]( by Luis
* Remove deprecated Gem::RemoteFetcher#fetch_size. Pull request [#3111]( by
  Luis Sagastume.
* Remove source_exception from Gem::Exception. Pull request [#3112]( by Luis
* Requiring rubygems/source_specific_file is deprecated, remove it. Pull
  request [#3114]( by Luis Sagastume.

# 3.1.4 / 2020-06-03

## Enhancements:

* Deprecate rubyforge_project attribute only during build
  time. Pull request [#3609]( by Josef Šimánek.
* Update links. Pull request [#3610]( by Josef Šimánek.
* Run CI at 3.1 branch head as well. Pull request [#3677]( by Josef Šimánek.
* Remove failing ubuntu-rvm CI flow. Pull request [#3611]( by
  Josef Šimánek.

# 3.1.3 / 2020-05-05

## Enhancements:

* Resolver: require NameTuple before use. Pull request [#3171]( by Olle
* Use absolute paths with autoload. Pull request [#3100]( by David Rodríguez.
* Avoid changing $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Pull request [#3088]( by Ellen Marie
* Use Bundler 2.1.4. Pull request [#3072]( by Hiroshi SHIBATA.
* Add tests to check if Gem.ruby_version works with ruby git master.
  Pull request [#3049]( by Yusuke Endoh.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix platform comparison check in #contains_requirable_file?. Pull
  request [#3495]( by Benoit Daloze.
* Improve gzip errors logging. Pull request [#3485]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix incorrect `gem uninstall --all` message. Pull request [#3483]( by David
* Fix incorrect bundler version being required. Pull request [#3458]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Fix gem install from a gemdeps file with complex dependencies.
  Pull request [#3054]( by Luis Sagastume.

# 3.1.2 / 2019-12-20

## Enhancements:

* Restore non prompting `gem update --system` behavior. Pull request [#3040](
  by David Rodríguez.
* Show only release notes for new code installed. Pull request [#3041]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Inform about installed `bundle` executable after `gem update --system`.
  Pull request [#3042]( by David Rodríguez.
* Use Bundler 2.1.2. Pull request [#3043]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.

## Bug fixes:

* Require `uri` in source.rb. Pull request [#3034]( by mihaibuzgau.
* Fix `gem update --system --force`. Pull request [#3035]( by David
* Move `require uri` to source_list. Pull request [#3038]( by mihaibuzgau.

# 3.1.1 / 2019-12-16

## Bug fixes:

* Vendor Bundler 2.1.0 again. The version of Bundler with
  RubyGems 3.1.0 was Bundler 2.1.0.pre.3. Pull request [#3029]( by
  SHIBATA Hiroshi.

# 3.1.0 / 2019-12-16

## Enhancements:

* Vendor bundler 2.1. Pull request [#3028]( by David Rodríguez.
* Check for typo squatting sources. Pull request [#2999]( by
  Luis Sagastume.
* Refactor remote fetcher. Pull request [#3017]( by David Rodríguez.
* Lazily load `open3`. Pull request [#3001]( by David Rodríguez.
* Remove `delegate` dependency. Pull request [#3002]( by David Rodríguez.
* Lazily load `uri`. Pull request [#3005]( by David Rodríguez.
* Lazily load `rubygems/gem_runner` during tests. Pull request [#3009]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Use bundler to manage development dependencies. Pull request [#3012]( by
  David Rodríguez.

## Bug fixes:

* Remove unnecessary executable flags. Pull request [#2982]( by David
* Remove configuration that contained a typo. Pull request [#2989]( by David

## Deprecations:

* Deprecate `gem generate_index --modern` and `gem generate_index
  --no-modern`. Pull request [#2992]( by David Rodríguez.

## Breaking changes:

* Remove 1.8.7 leftovers. Pull request [#2972]( by David Rodríguez.

# 3.1.0.pre3 / 2019-11-11

## Enhancements:

* Fix gem pristine not accounting for user installed gems. Pull request
  [#2914]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Refactor keyword argument test for Ruby 2.7. Pull request [#2947]( by
  SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fix errors at frozen Gem::Version. Pull request [#2949]( by Nobuyoshi
* Remove taint usage on Ruby 2.7+. Pull request [#2951]( by Jeremy Evans.
* Check Manifest.txt is up to date. Pull request [#2953]( by David Rodríguez.
* Clarify symlink conditionals in tests. Pull request [#2962]( by David
* Update command line parsing to work under ps. Pull request [#2966]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Properly test `Gem::Specifications.stub_for`. Pull request [#2970]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX handling for recursive locking. Pull request
  [#2985]( by MSP-Greg.

# 3.1.0.pre2 / 2019-10-15

## Enhancements:

* Optimize Gem::Package::TarReader#each. Pull request [#2941]( by Jean byroot
* Time comparison around date boundary. Pull request [#2944]( by Nobuyoshi

# 3.1.0.pre1 / 2019-10-08

## Enhancements:

* Try to use bundler-2.1.0.pre.2. Pull request [#2923]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* [Require] Ensure -I beats a default gem. Pull request [#1868]( by Samuel
* [Specification] Prefer user-installed gems to default gems. Pull request
  [#2112]( by Samuel Giddins.
* Multifactor authentication for yank command. Pull request [#2514]( by Qiu
* Autoswitch to exact bundler version if present. Pull request [#2583]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Fix Gem::Requirement equality comparison when ~> operator is used. Pull
  request [#2554]( by Grey Baker.
* Don't use a proxy if https_proxy env var is empty. Pull request [#2567]( by
  Luis Sagastume.
* Fix typo in specs warning. Pull request [#2585]( by Rui.
* Bin/gem: remove initial empty line. Pull request [#2602]( by Kenyon Ralph.
* Avoid rdoc hook when it's failed to load rdoc library. Pull request
  [#2604]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Refactor get_proxy_from_env logic. Pull request [#2611]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Allow to easily bisect flaky failures. Pull request [#2626]( by David
* Fix `--ignore-dependencies` flag not installing platform specific gems.
  Pull request [#2631]( by David Rodríguez.
* Make `gem install --explain` list platforms. Pull request [#2634]( by David
* Make `gem update --explain` list platforms. Pull request [#2635]( by David
* Refactoring install and update explanations. Pull request [#2643]( by David
* Restore transitiveness of version comparison. Pull request [#2651]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Undo requirement sorting. Pull request [#2652]( by David Rodríguez.
* Update dummy version of Bundler for #2581. Pull request [#2584]( by SHIBATA
* Ignore to handle the different platform. Pull request [#2672]( by SHIBATA
* Make Gem::Specification.default_stubs to public methods. Pull request
  [#2675]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Sort files and test_files in specifications. Pull request [#2524]( by
  Christopher Baines.
* Fix comment of Gem::Specification#required_ruby_version=. Pull request
  [#2732]( by Alex Junger.
* Config_file.rb - update path separator in ENV['GEMRC'] logic. Pull
  request [#2735]( by MSP-Greg.
* Fix `ruby setup.rb` warnings. Pull request [#2737]( by David Rodríguez.
* Don't use regex delimiters when searching for a dependency. Pull request
  [#2738]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Refactor query command. Pull request [#2739]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Don't remove default spec files from mapping after require. Pull request
  [#2741]( by David Rodríguez.
* Cleanup base test case. Pull request [#2742]( by David Rodríguez.
* Simplify Specification#gems_dir. Pull request [#2745]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix test warning. Pull request [#2746]( by David Rodríguez.
* Extract an `add_to_load_path` method. Pull request [#2749]( by David
* Fix setup command if format_executable is true by default. Pull request
  [#2766]( by Jeremy Evans.
* Update the certificate files to make the test pass on Debian 10. Pull
  request [#2777]( by Yusuke Endoh.
* Write to the correct config file(.gemrc). Pull request [#2779]( by Luis
* Fix for large values in UID/GID fields in tar archives. Pull request
  [#2780]( by Alexey Shein.
* Lazy require stringio. Pull request [#2781]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Make Gem::Specification#ruby_code handle OpenSSL::PKey::RSA objects.
  Pull request [#2782]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Fix setup command test for bundler with program_suffix. Pull request
  [#2783]( by Sorah Fukumori.
* Make sure `rake package` works. Pull request [#2787]( by David Rodríguez.
* Synchronize access to the Gem::Specification::LOAD_CACHE Hash. Pull
  request [#2789]( by Benoit Daloze.
* Task to install rubygems to local system. Pull request [#2795]( by David
* Add an attr_reader to Gem::Installer for the package instance variable.
  Pull request [#2796]( by Daniel Berger.
* Switch CI script to bash. Pull request [#2799]( by David Rodríguez.
* Move gemcutter utilities code to Gem::Command. Pull request [#2803]( by
  Luis Sagastume.
* Add raw spec method to gem package. Pull request [#2806]( by Luis
* Improve `rake package` test error message. Pull request [#2815]( by David
* Resolve `@@project_dir` from test file paths. Pull request [#2843]( by
  Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Remove dead code in Gem::Validator. Pull request [#2537]( by Ellen Marie
* The date might have advanced since TODAY has been set. Pull request
  [#2938]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Remove old ci configurations. Pull request [#2917]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Add Gem::Dependency identity. Pull request [#2936]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Filter dependency type and name strictly. Pull request [#2930]( by SHIBATA
* Always pass an encoding option to Zlib::GzipReader.wrap. Pull request
  [#2933]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Introduce default prerelease requirement. Pull request [#2925]( by David
* Detect libc version, closes #2918. Pull request [#2922]( by fauno.
* Use IAM role to extract security-credentials for EC2 instance. Pull
  request [#2894]( by Alexander Pakulov.
* Improve `gem uninstall --all`. Pull request [#2893]( by David Rodríguez.
* Use `RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibprefix']`. Pull request [#2889]( by Nobuyoshi
* Build the first gemspec we found if no arguments are passed to gem
  build. Pull request [#2887]( by Luis Sagastume.
* $LOAD_PATH elements should be real paths. Pull request [#2885]( by
  Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Use the standard RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION instead of JRUBY_VERSION. Pull
  request [#2864]( by Benoit Daloze.
* Cleanup after testing `rake package`. Pull request [#2862]( by David
* Cherry-pick shushing deprecation warnings from ruby-core. Pull request
  [#2861]( by David Rodríguez.
* Ext/builder.rb cleanup. Pull request [#2849]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Fix @ran_rake assignment in builder.rb. Pull request [#2850]( by Luis
* Remove test suite warnings. Pull request [#2845]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Replace domain parameter with a parameter to suppress suggestions. Pull
  request [#2846]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Move default specifications dir definition out of BasicSpecification.
  Pull request [#2841]( by Vít Ondruch.
* There is no usage of @orig_env_* variables in test suite. Pull request
  [#2838]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Use File#open instead of Kernel#open in stub_specification.rb. Pull
  request [#2834]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Simplify #to_ruby code. Pull request [#2825]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Add a gem attr to the Gem::Package class. Pull request [#2828]( by Daniel
* Remove useless TODO comment. Pull request [#2818]( by Luis Sagastume.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix typos in History.txt. Pull request [#2565]( by Igor Zubkov.
* Remove unused empty sources array. Pull request [#2598]( by Aaron
* Fix windows specific executables generated by `gem install`. Pull
  request [#2628]( by David Rodríguez.
* Gem::Specification#to_ruby needs OpenSSL. Pull request [#2937]( by
  Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH env var if not provided. Pull request [#2882]( by
  Ellen Marie Dash.
* Installer.rb - fix #windows_stub_script. Pull request [#2876]( by MSP-Greg.
* Fixed deprecation message. Pull request [#2867]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Fix requiring default gems to consider prereleases. Pull request [#2728](
  by David Rodríguez.
* Forbid `find_spec_for_exe` without an `exec_name`. Pull request [#2706]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Do not prompt for passphrase when key can be loaded without it. Pull
  request [#2710]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Add missing wrapper. Pull request [#2690]( by David Rodríguez.
* Remove long ago deprecated methods. Pull request [#2704]( by David
* Renamed duplicate test. Pull request [#2678]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* File.exists? is deprecated. Pull request [#2855]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fixed to warn with shadowing outer local variable. Pull request [#2856]( by
  SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fix explain with ignore-dependencies. Pull request [#2647]( by David
* Fix default gem executable installation when folder is not `bin/`. Pull
  request [#2649]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix cryptic error on local and ignore-dependencies combination. Pull
  request [#2650]( by David Rodríguez.

## Deprecations:

* Make deprecate Gem::RubyGemsVersion and Gem::ConfigMap. Pull request
  [#2857]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Deprecate Gem::RemoteFetcher#fetch_size. Pull request [#2833]( by Luis
* Explicitly deprecate `rubyforge_project`. Pull request [#2798]( by David
* Deprecate unused Gem::Installer#unpack method. Pull request [#2715]( by Vít
* Deprecate a few unused methods. Pull request [#2674]( by David Rodríguez.
* Add deprecation warnings for cli options. Pull request [#2607]( by Luis

## Breaking changes:

* Suppress keywords warning. Pull request [#2934]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Suppress Ruby 2.7's real kwargs warning. Pull request [#2912]( by Koichi
* Fix Kernel#warn override. Pull request [#2911]( by Jeremy Evans.
* Remove conflict.rb code that was supposed to be removed in Rubygems 3.
  Pull request [#2802]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Compatibility cleanups. Pull request [#2754]( by David Rodríguez.
* Remove `others_possible` activation request param. Pull request [#2747]( by
  David Rodríguez.
* Remove dependency installer deprecated code. Pull request [#2740]( by Luis
* Removed guard condition with USE_BUNDLER_FOR_GEMDEPS. Pull request [#2716](
  by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Skip deprecation warning during specs. Pull request [#2718]( by David
* Remove QuickLoader reference. Pull request [#2719]( by David Rodríguez.
* Removed circular require. Pull request [#2679]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Removed needless environmental variable for Travis CI. Pull request
  [#2685]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Removing yaml require. Pull request [#2538]( by Luciano Sousa.

# 3.0.8 / 2020-02-19

## Bug fixes:

* Gem::Specification#to_ruby needs OpenSSL. Pull request [#2937]( by
  Nobuyoshi Nakada.

# 3.0.7 / 2020-02-18

## Bug fixes:

* Fix underscore version selection for bundler #2908 by David Rodríguez.
* Add missing wrapper. Pull request [#2690]( by David Rodríguez.
* Make Gem::Specification#ruby_code handle OpenSSL::PKey::RSA objects.
  Pull request [#2782]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Installer.rb - fix #windows_stub_script. Pull request [#2876]( by MSP-Greg.
* Use IAM role to extract security-credentials for EC2 instance. Pull
  request [#2894]( by Alexander Pakulov.

# 3.0.6 / 2019-08-17

## Bug fixes:

* Revert #2813. It broke the compatibility with 3.0.x versions.

# 3.0.5 / 2019-08-16

## Enhancements:

* Use env var to configure api key on push. Pull request [#2559]( by Luis
* Unswallow uninstall error. Pull request [#2707]( by David Rodríguez.
* Expose windows path normalization utility. Pull request [#2767]( by David
* Clean which command. Pull request [#2801]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Upgrading S3 source signature to AWS SigV4. Pull request [#2807]( by
  Alexander Pakulov.
* Remove misleading comment, no reason to move to Gem::Util.
  Pull request [#2811]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Drop support for 'gem env packageversion'. Pull request [#2813]( by Luis
* Take into account just git tracked files in update_manifest rake task.
  Pull request [#2816]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Remove TODO comment, there's no Gem::Dirs constant. Pull request [#2819](
  by Luis Sagastume.
* Remove unused 'raise' from test_case. Pull request [#2820]( by Luis
* Move TODO comment to an information comment. Pull request [#2821]( by Luis
* Use File#open instead of Kernel#open in stub_specification.rb. Pull
  request [#2834]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Make error code a gemcutter_utilities a constant. Pull request [#2844]( by
  Luis Sagastume.
* Remove FIXME comment related to PathSupport. Pull request [#2854]( by Luis
* Use gsub with Hash. Pull request [#2860]( by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA.
* Use the standard RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION instead of JRUBY_VERSION. Pull
  request [#2864]( by Benoit Daloze.
* Do not mutate uri.query during s3 signature creation. Pull request [#2874](
  by Alexander Pakulov.
* Fixup #2844. Pull request [#2878]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.

## Bug fixes:

* Fix intermittent test error on Appveyor & Travis. Pull request [#2568]( by
* Extend timeout on assert_self_install_permissions. Pull request [#2605]( by
  SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Better folder assertions. Pull request [#2644]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix default gem executable installation when folder is not `bin/`. Pull
  request [#2649]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix gem uninstall behavior. Pull request [#2663]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Fix for large values in UID/GID fields in tar archives. Pull request
  [#2780]( by Alexey Shein.
* Fixed task order for release. Pull request [#2792]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Ignore GEMRC variable for test suite. Pull request [#2837]( by SHIBATA

# 3.0.4 / 2019-06-14

## Enhancements:

* Add support for TruffleRuby #2612 by Benoit Daloze
* Serve a more descriptive error when --no-ri or --no-rdoc are used #2572
  by Grey Baker
* Improve test compatibility with CMake 2.8. Pull request [#2590]( by Vít
* Restore gem build behavior and introduce the "-C" flag to gem build.
  Pull request [#2596]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Enabled block call with util_set_arch. Pull request [#2603]( by SHIBATA
* Avoid rdoc hook when it's failed to load rdoc library. Pull request
  [#2604]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Drop tests for legacy RDoc. Pull request [#2608]( by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Update TODO comment. Pull request [#2658]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Skip malicious extension test with mswin platform. Pull request [#2670]( by
  SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Check deprecated methods on release. Pull request [#2673]( by David
* Add steps to run bundler tests. Pull request [#2680]( by Aditya Prakash.
* Skip temporary "No such host is known" error. Pull request [#2684]( by
  Takashi Kokubun.
* Replaced aws-sdk-s3 instead of s3cmd. Pull request [#2688]( by SHIBATA
* Allow uninstall from symlinked GEM_HOME. Pull request [#2720]( by David
* Use current checkout in CI to uninstall RVM related gems. Pull request
  [#2729]( by David Rodríguez.
* Update Contributor Covenant v1.4.1. Pull request [#2751]( by SHIBATA
* Added supported versions of Ruby. Pull request [#2756]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fix shadowing outer local variable warning. Pull request [#2763]( by Luis
* Update the certificate files to make the test pass on Debian 10. Pull
  request [#2777]( by Yusuke Endoh.
* Backport ruby core changes. Pull request [#2778]( by SHIBATA Hiroshi.

## Bug fixes:

* Test_gem.rb - intermittent failure fix. Pull request [#2613]( by MSP-Greg.
* Fix sporadic CI failures. Pull request [#2617]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix flaky bundler version finder tests. Pull request [#2624]( by David
* Fix gem indexer tests leaking utility gems. Pull request [#2625]( by David
* Clean up default spec dir too. Pull request [#2639]( by David Rodríguez.
* Fix 2.6.1 build against vendored bundler. Pull request [#2645]( by David
* Fix comment typo. Pull request [#2664]( by Luis Sagastume.
* Fix comment of Gem::Specification#required_ruby_version=. Pull request
  [#2732]( by Alex Junger.
* Fix TODOs. Pull request [#2748]( by David Rodríguez.


RubyGems installed the following executables:

$ echo "gem: --no-document" >> ~/.gemrc
$ bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3 --deployment --path=${BUNDLE_PATH:-vendor/bundle}
[DEPRECATED] The `--deployment` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set --local deployment 'true'`, and stop using this flag
[DEPRECATED] The `--path` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'`, and stop using this flag
Bundler 2.4.13 is running, but your lockfile was generated with 2.4.17. Installing Bundler 2.4.17 and restarting using that version.
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching bundler 2.4.17
Installing bundler 2.4.17
[DEPRECATED] The `--deployment` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set --local deployment 'true'`, and stop using this flag
[DEPRECATED] The `--path` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'`, and stop using this flag
Bundle complete! 17 Gemfile dependencies, 58 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle`

$ bundle exec rspec
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/lib/travis/yml/support/version.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant Version::InvalidVersion
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bundler/gems/dpl-8a159e2d1fe5/lib/dpl/support/version.rb:3: warning: previous definition of InvalidVersion was here
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/lib/travis/yml/support/version.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant Version::InvalidRequire
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bundler/gems/dpl-8a159e2d1fe5/lib/dpl/support/version.rb:4: warning: previous definition of InvalidRequire was here
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/lib/travis/yml/support/version.rb:6: warning: already initialized constant Version::MSGS
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bundler/gems/dpl-8a159e2d1fe5/lib/dpl/support/version.rb:6: warning: previous definition of MSGS was here
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/lib/travis/yml/support/version.rb:11: warning: already initialized constant Version::VERSION
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bundler/gems/dpl-8a159e2d1fe5/lib/dpl/support/version.rb:11: warning: previous definition of VERSION was here
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/lib/travis/yml/support/version.rb:12: warning: already initialized constant Version::REQUIRE
/home/travis/build/travis-ci/travis-yml/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bundler/gems/dpl-8a159e2d1fe5/lib/dpl/support/version.rb:12: warning: previous definition of REQUIRE was here
I, [2024-05-08T06:49:38.248021 #7630]  INFO -- sentry: ** [Raven] Raven 2.9.0 configured not to capture errors: DSN not set
Schema.define took 3.063836163 sec
Schema.json   took 0.038639258 sec
Run options: exclude {:integration_configs=>true, :integration_matrix=>true, :migrate=>true, :web=>true, :slow=>true, :skip=>true}
Schema.expand took 0.130499562 sec

Finished in 35.01 seconds (files took 7.59 seconds to load)
7867 examples, 0 failures

The command "bundle exec rspec" exited with 0.
store build cache
$ bundle clean
nothing changed

Done. Your build exited with 0.